Monday, March 21, 2011

3 Point Stance or Tip Up

3 Point Stance or Tip up- Starting Position

Get in a starting postion by getting on to your hands and knees placing your arms right under your shoulders.

The 3 point stance or tip up is a linear motion because all parts of the body are moving in the same direction at the same speed.

3 Point Stance or Tip Up - Head position

Place your forehead on the mat and place your arms straight under your shoulders. Your arms and forehead should make a triangular shape.
Cue: Create a triangle with your head and hands.

3 Point Stance or Tip Up- Knees/ Arms

Then lean your weight forward and rest your knee one at a time on your elbows.
Cue: knee to arm

3 Point stance or Tip Up- Balance

Balance both knees on each arm.
As you bend forward tip your hips up. Use your center of gravity to balance the weight between your arms and head.

Cue: Balance
Drill: this excerise would be used a lead up to the hand stand and head stand.
Works on core strength, balance and upper body strength.

3 Point Stance or Tip Up- Dismount

Lower one leg at a time from your arms to the floor with extended leg and kneel down on your synovial joint before getting up.