Tuesday, March 1, 2011


1Rotation: Circular motion around an axis
2. Sagital Plane: plane in which forward and backward movements of the body and body segments occur.
3.Frontal Plane: Plane in which lateral movements of the body and body    segments occur.
4. Flexion- one of the three primary movements occurring in the sagittal plane. Flexing hands over head.
5. Mediolateal axis- Imaginary line around which sagittal plane rotation occurs.
6. Anterior- Toward the front of the body.
7. Anteroposterior axis-Imaginary line around which frontal plane rotations occur.
8. Plantar flexion- pointing of the toes away from the shin bone " the ball of the foot"  opposite of dorsiflexion.
9. Medial rotation- internal rotation towards the midline of the body .
10. Transverse plane- plane in which horizontal body and body segment movements occur when the body is in an erect standing postion.
11. Horizontal Adduction- movement in the transverse plane from a lateral to an anterior position.
12. Lateral flexion- sideway rotation of the trunk in a movement on the right or left side of the spinal column.
13. Hyperextended or hyperextension- is a movement in the sagittal plane which is normally posterior to the anatomical position. (movement of arms/legs)
14. Extension- is a movement in the sagittal plane which returns a body segment to anatomical position from a postion of flexion or hyperextension.
15. Posterior-  Towards the back of the body.
16. Proximal- Closer in proximity to the trunk.
17. Axis of Rotation- Imaginery line perpendicular to the plane of rotation and passing through the center of rotation.
18. Balance- ability to control equilibrium
19 Linear- along a line that may be straight or curved, with all parts of the body moving in the same direction at the same speed.
20. Center of gravity- point around which a body's weight is equally balanced, no matter how the body is positioned.
21. Genaral motion- involoving translation and rotation simultaneously.
22. Force- push or pull; the product of mass and acceleration.
23 Appedndicular skeleton- bones composing the body appendages.
24 Anatomical position- erect standing position with all body parts, including the palms of the hands facing forward; considered the body starting position.
25.Synovial joint- freely movable only slight limitations to movement capability.

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